Telescope Making Resources#

Below are some of the most commonly recommended resources for designing telescopes. These things range from general Newtonian design, literature, optical testing practices, and much more.

General Newtonian Design#

Newtonian Telescope Designer by Mel Bartels

  • Comprehensive Newtonian telescope building tool

  • Interlinked calculators that produce accurate and quantitative measurements

  • Intuitive design with huge amount of variables to play with

Stellafane’s “Building a Dobsonian Telescope”

  • Useful page cataloging traditional sonotube design

  • Describes useful woodworking concepts

The Dobsonian Telescope by Kriege and Berry

  • Large volume with critical measurements for traditional “truss dob” design

  • Helpful for very large aperture dobsonians

Refractor Design#

Amateur Telescope Making Vol. 2

  • part of a series written by Ingalls, Vol 2. talks about refractor telescopes

Equatorial Platforms#


Truss Designs#

Mirror Making#

How to Make a Telescope by Jean Texerau

  • Detailed plans for creating optical mirrors

  • Includes mirror testing diagrams and protocols

Gordon Waite on YouTube

  • Multiple series on mirror making, testing, and optic creation

  • Shows machine work in action

  • Shows the creation of optical flats

Stellafane’s Mirror Making Guide

  • Step by step process for creating a telescope mirror

  • Stops right before parabolizing

Optical Testing#

Mirror Machine Design#


Mirror Making supplies#